President: Charlie Raines (443-995-4724)
Vice President: Eddie Edwards (703-926-0244)
Secretary: Deb Frampton (410-598-4831)
Treasurer: Pat Frampton (443-845-3152)
Directors: Butch Wienhold, Kathy Berkheimer and Mike Todd
The Swann Keys Sports Club (SKSC), established in 1990 and incorporated in 1996, works for the betterment of Swann Keys by providing social and sporting events open to all Swann Keys residents and their guests. All Swann Keys property owners in good standing are invited to join. Dues are $20.00 annually and meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the clubhouse.
Happy Hours
July 4th Celebration & Boat Parade
Super Bowl Party
Football Sundays and NASCAR Races
Parties in conjunction with the Kentucky Derby and Belmont Races
Annual Crab Feast and Christmas Party (members & guests only)
Corn Hole & Horseshoes during the summer months
Indoor Table Shuffleboard |
* Check the white board in front of the clubhouse next to the mailboxes for upcoming events, time, and cost. *